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About copyright, trademark, etc.PRIVACY POLICY

KikoriSoft will comply with laws and other norms on copyrighted materials and trademarks.

Copyright , Trademarks etc. of Kikori Software

  • KikoriSoft (shop name), Thinking Woodman, Strategy 4 Survival, TreeViews are trademarks of KikoriSoft, and copyright of designs such as logos belongs to KikoriSoft. Use beyond the scope of reference / citation of these intellectual property, copying without permission, reprint without permission, infringement of right of right holder, or use in a form contrary to public order and morals is prohibited.
  • The copyrights of all the contents of this website and the documents and software we distribute (including accompanying manuals, data etc) are owned by KikoriSoft except some photographic materials, fonts, third party program libraries.
    Use beyond the scope of reference / citation of these intellectual property, copying without permission, reprint without permission, infringement of right of right holder, or use in a form contrary to public order and morals is prohibited.

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  • Microsoft®、Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
  • Apple®、Mac OS® are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the United States and other countries
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  • Oracle® and Java® are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates in the United States and other countries.
  • Dropbox is a trademark or registered trademark of Dropbox, Inc., USA.
  • Company names, product names, etc. in the contents of this site may be trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.

Inquiries about copyrighted material and trademarks related to KikoriSoft

If you have any problems with our copyrighted material / trademarks, including the website, or the use of third-party copyrighted materials etc, please contact below.

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