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For The Sustainable World!

Privacy Policy

KikoriSoft will strive to protect customer's personal information in compliance with related laws and other norms.

About collecting personal information

We may collect personal information to the extent necessary in the following cases.

  • When customer contacts us
  • When you apply for our service to us

Purpose of using personal information

We will use personal information collected from customers for the following purposes.

  • For contacting customers
  • For answers to customer inquiries
  • For serving customers

About providing personal information to third parties

We do not disclose or provide personal information obtained from customers to third parties.
However, it excludes in the following cases.

  • If you have consent
  • In case of a request from a public office, such as a request from the police
  • In case of application of law

About disclosure, correction etc. of personal information

We will respond to requests from the customer for personal information disclosure, correction, deletion etc.
However, as a result, we may not be able to provide or continue the service to you.

Inquiries concerning personal information protection

Representative : K.Nagashima

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